If any of this sounds familiar, your business isn’t alone. Over the last few years, many firms have had to cut fees to retain or attract less-than-ideal clients. They’ve also had to execute on marketing and their normal business functions. That means fewer people wear more hats. You’re not alone if you’re stretching to cover more clients or take on more duties outside your core competencies. But there is another way.
If you want to attract and win new clients, retain your existing ones, and gain more lifetime value from them, let’s talk! Accounting, tax, law, and consulting firms need marketing and growth plans tailored to their unique conditions. With these things confidently covered, you can get back to focusing on your strengths and serving your clients.
Beyond my credentials, I bring a unique and experienced perspective to your marketing, sales and growth efforts. I understand how law, consulting, tax, and accounting firms think and work, big and small. Every firm is different, and I listen intently to understand what makes yours tick and how to accelerate growth.
And as a leader, I thrive when I can help others achieve their full potential. Let me help your company attract, win and retain your ideal clients. Schedule a consultation with me today, and let’s discuss what your business needs to thrive.
Growth takes careful planning and execution to happen. The right plan can make all your efforts to attract new clients worth it. But many businesses focus on the wrong things, devoting too much effort to activities that won’t have much return. Here’s how I can help your business focus on what matters for growth:
A well-built marketing machine attracts the ideal leads for your business. It can create a virtuous cycle in which clients ready to work with you are delighted by your service and burnish your reputation. But without careful calibration, your marketing efforts can go awry and attract the wrong clients, wasting your limited resources. To help you attract the ideal clients, I can do the following:
Winning the clients you want validates all your marketing practices. But sealing the deal is an art unto itself. Without knowing how to close and build a system to support sales, you can channel your limited energies into prospects that aren’t right for your business. To assist your company in winning clients, I can help you with the following:
The number of clients you can retain reflects the quality of service your business delivers. Higher client retention means higher lifetime revenues from each client. By understanding what it takes to keep your existing customers continue to say “yes,” you can better attract new ones. To help you better retain clients, I can assist with the following:
I offer the following services as a growth advisor to help your company expand.